Installing the GrabIt newsreader.
Please note: the Grabit newsreader is a PC only newsreader and cannot be installed on Mac or Linux devices.
Step #1 Download GrabIt
To begin the installation first navigate to GrabIt homepage and download the latest version of the client.
Step #2 Install GrabIt
Double click on the installer, choose your install folder and select whether or not you want desktop or quick launch icons added.
Step #3 Initial Configuration of Your NewsServer
The very first time you launch GrabIt the configuration wizard will appear. Enter the following information:
Usenet Host Name:
Username: your assigned username, you will find this in your welcome email as well as the Tweaknews interface.
Password: Your selected password. This is also the password for the site.
Step #4 Additional Configuration of Your NewsServer
While the above steps 3 above did set up a working configuration for your newsreader it is not yet optimized for your specific plan’s settings. For this fine tuning, we will need to update the server properties to do this.
To begin right click on the default server, you can find this in the top of the left hand column. Next click on Server properties.
Now in the server properties screen you can fine tune your newsreader settings. Simply enter the information as follows:
Hostname: This will already be set.
Port: use port 443, 563 or 8080 for an encrypted connection or port 119, 23, 25, 3128, 8000 or 9000 for non-encrypted connections.
Username: This will already be set.
Password: This will already be set.
Check the Encrypted server connection (SSL) if you selected one of the encrypted ports listed above.
Max Connections: Set this to the number of connections for your plan, this will be listed in your welcome email.
Click on to finalize your Grabit settings.
For advanced tips on how to adjust additional settings to make your downloads even faster click here.